Sunday 25 May 2014

Text along a circular path

There are several ways how to put text on a curved path.

One is using the build in Gimp feature of 'Text along path'.
For a description look here: Gimp Manual

An alternative is ofnuts' excellent 'Text-Along-Path' python plug-in, 
which has a ton more options.

You can find the description here: Plug-in Manual

and download it here: Download

on Windows, put it in your:
C → User → gimp-2.8 → plug-ins folder


Another good way of putting text on a path is using Inkscape.
You can edit and scale the text a lot easier than in Gimp !

PhotoAdvanced2 on Youtube has a good tutorial on that topic:

and this one, by VscorpianC is even better:

Monday 12 May 2014

Meander, an Inkscape Tutorial

Note: this tutorial is outdated !

An updated version can be found here:

Meander were common decorative elements in ancient greek and roman art.
In this tutorial i will show you how to build your own meander pattern in Inkscape.

I also posted the tutorial on InkscapeForum, so if you are interested in reading what people thought of it, and came up with different approaches, click the red link.

Friday 9 May 2014

Nineties Kung-Fu Buzzsawblade

Made the shapes in Inkscape by live editing tiled clones until i got this result.
Bevelled and chromed with Gimp.